Pukana Game What Are The Words

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  1. Pukana Game Words


  1. Pukana Game with friends and family @ Crighton House.
  2. Young Maori students will be tested on their knowledge of lyrics to Maori songs in a new game show, ‘Waiata Mai’, premiering on *PUKANA *(Maori Television on Wednesday April 20 at 6.00 PM). *PUKANA* is 100 per cent Maori language youth ‘edutainment’ combining entertaining segments and educational elements with popular send-ups, comedic skits, practical information, competitions and giveaways.
GamePukana Game What Are The WordsPukana Game What Are The WordsNZ

Rangatahi Recall The Lyrics – On Pukana! Young Maori students will be tested on their knowledge of lyrics to Maori songs in a new game show. Welcome to gameSheep.com. Free games online is a branch born out of the people’s need to relax. We will tell you a few words about them below. Word Games is a free online game website dedicated to showcasing the very best Word Games online! Word Games makes it easy to play games by organizing them into. Examine all the words and phrases meticulously.

  • A wild facial expression made by someone performing a haka.

    • ‘You find the whatero and pukana posturing highly amusing?’
    • ‘It even teaches the haka-ending facial 'pukana' in which the eyes bulge and men stick out their tongues.’
    • ‘The best pukana photo will win an evening at Te Po - the Indigenous Evening Experience at Te Puia.’
    • ‘Like the Maori warrior whose spirit bursts forth in pukana, this is the body as a nexus between that outside the individual and that within.’
    • ‘The faces contort into a myriad of expressions, pukana, tongues out, eyes screwed up, with hoots of laughter and playful shoving.’
    • ‘I can do a good pukana.’
    • ‘Add yourself to Wellington's story by showing us your best pukana and getting your photo taken at Mojo.’
    • ‘Three young Maori warriors sprung forth from inside the stadium, prancing, flashing their pukana (wild-eyed grimaces) and swinging their taiaha (long wooden clubs).’
    • ‘In mostly unsympathetic roles, the cast are excellent, and the fantastic dancers are vital: a rugby scrum becomes a bull; flamenco flourishes are matched with pukana eyes.’
    • ‘The first competition involves visitors giving their best pukana (haka face).’





Explore this ArticleLearning Proper PronunciationGetting Ready to Do the HakaLearning the ChantLearning the Body Movements of the Kapa O‘Pango HakaDoing Other MovementsPerforming the Haka RespectfullyShow 3 more..Show less..Article SummaryQuestions & AnswersRelated Articles

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The Haka is a traditional dance of the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand. This fearsome-looking dance, which can be warlike in some settings, is arguably most famously performed by the All Blacks, the New Zealand national rugby team. With a group of people beating their chests, shouting and sticking out their tongues, this performance is impressive to watch and works to intimidate one’s opponents.

Pukana Game Words

There are many different haka (Maori words do not generally add an 's' for plurals). The best-known is arguably 'Ka mate', also known as Te Rauparaha's haka (after the 19th century Maori chieftain who created it). The words and actions in this article refer specifically to this haka and the 'Kapa o Pango' haka, these being the two regularly performed by the All Blacks.