The Fakir Ruzbeh Bharucha Ebooking
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Bharucha is the author of a number of books, foremost among them the Fakir series, in which Rudra, a drifter/seeker in despair of life meets the Fakir: Shirdi Sai Baba. Copernic 6 download. The Perfect Ones - Kindle edition by Ruzbeh N Bharucha. Bharucha is one of the most influential spiritual. Including the bestselling The Fakir.
The Fakir 4.32 avg rating — 460 ratings — published 2007 — 2 editions | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
The Fakir The Journey Continues 4.53 avg rating — 120 ratings | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
Rabda: My Sigh . . . My Sai 4.13 avg rating — 75 ratings — published 2014 — 3 editions | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
The Perfect Ones 4.23 avg rating — 31 ratings — published 2015 — 3 editions | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
ICE with Very Unusual Spirits 3.50 avg rating — 18 ratings — 2 editions | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
The Musk Syndrome: Why do you look elsewhere? All that you seek is within you really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 17 ratings — 3 editions | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
The Aum Of All Things 3.06 avg rating — 17 ratings — published 2013 | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
The Ramblings of The 110th 4.56 avg rating — 9 ratings — published 2013 | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
Ananda: Musings of the Fakir 4.50 avg rating — 8 ratings | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
Fakir: Guru Ki Chhatr-Chhaayaa Mein Kalyaan Maarg Ka Pathik Banane Ki Ek Romanchak Aadhyaatmik Katha it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 3 ratings | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
“I have promised my children that I will come running to help whoever calls out to me, and if karma necessitates that the child go through the ordeal or experience, I shall stand by the child and be with him and go through the ordeal or experience with him, giving him strength, wisdom and grace to go through his lot with calmness and pure surrender. Of course, that is if the child allows me to help him go through the experience calmly.”
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A fascinating story that explores complex issues in a simple, very easy to understand, accessible way - karma, divine action, life after death, spirit communication, the power of prayer, faith and forgiveness, energy and healing; the search for God in goodness and most importantly being constantly attuned with your master.
The Fakir, is a breathtaking spiritual odyssey to..more
The Fakir, is a breathtaking spiritual odyssey to..more
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Published 2007 by Sainathann Communication
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It's an spiritual book that guides you and gives a clear picture of the intentions of nature behind every suffering and success which we get in our life. It is for the cleansing of the karma that we suffer and it is most beloved of the god that suffers the most due to increased pace of cleansing. it is not always that we are successful because success can be karmic so try to be in peace with your efforts. Nature only sees the intentions and effort, it is only mankind that gives a rank for the wo..more
May 30, 2014gurpreet kaur rated it really liked it
Spiritual lessens dealt in a simple and easily understandable manner. I liked the explanation of various kinds and levels of faith.
Some quotes from the book:-
1. The one who makes the thunder roar, also hears a butterfly sigh.
2. Why you did- what you did, is more important than, what came about what you did.
3. No good deed ever goes unnoticed and no wrong thought or action goes unseen and unaccounted.
Some quotes from the book:-
1. The one who makes the thunder roar, also hears a butterfly sigh.
2. Why you did- what you did, is more important than, what came about what you did.
3. No good deed ever goes unnoticed and no wrong thought or action goes unseen and unaccounted.
Take a suicidal hippie, a chance encounter with a fakir who looks suspiciously like Shirdi Sai Baba, and 200+ pages of regurgitated, pithy spiritual truisms and some terrible jokes. The result is The Fakir.
The prose and meandering storyline of this novel are excruciatingly bad. But that aside, the long winded monologues of the guru in this book do not offer any appealing or fresh insights. I've encountered the same proverbs and quotes in many other books, and this one did not manage to redeem..more
The prose and meandering storyline of this novel are excruciatingly bad. But that aside, the long winded monologues of the guru in this book do not offer any appealing or fresh insights. I've encountered the same proverbs and quotes in many other books, and this one did not manage to redeem..more
May 26, 2013Ruchika Sandell rated it it was amazing
A super awesome book. It really teaches you how to live in surrender to the divine. It seems like the divine himself has actually channeled this book through the author. It is a good bedside book too.. all you need is to do is close ur eyes and open a page and you will get what you need :)
Cannot wait to read 'the journey continues'
Cannot wait to read 'the journey continues'
Ruzbeh N. Bharucha’s book “The Fakir” is a condensation of the teachings about karma, soul planning and connecting to one’s Higher Self. The book’s strength lies in the easy to read narrative style to explain complex ideas such as the cycle of birth and death, karmic accumulation and karmic cleansing.
What does karma mean? If everything is pre-ordained and everything is destined according to karma then why work? Can one change his/her destiny? Is God vengeful and angry? Rudra’s journey in “The F..more
What does karma mean? If everything is pre-ordained and everything is destined according to karma then why work? Can one change his/her destiny? Is God vengeful and angry? Rudra’s journey in “The F..more
It fails when it comes to the writing as I found the actual writing to be very subpar. However, the themes discussed in the book are done in an easy to understand way, and by mid-story, the story carried the book, rather than the writing.
Picked up this book from an Indian friend in Hong Kong. Her literary collection in her parent's house is great, and I was surprised to find out this book is not even in the Goodreads database. I just started it, but so far it is an incredibly uplifting story..more
Picked up this book from an Indian friend in Hong Kong. Her literary collection in her parent's house is great, and I was surprised to find out this book is not even in the Goodreads database. I just started it, but so far it is an incredibly uplifting story..more
A fine insight into life's many questions that we need answers for. Read and re read..a definite thumbs up for this one.
Sep 13, 2016Purva Khandelwal rated it it was amazing
It's a good, heartfelt book but I liked it in parts.
Certain principal explained very beautifully and leaves you to introspect . The one I liked the most - “That very person who is creating hell in your life may bring you closer to God, prayers and spirituality. It hurts you in the present lifetime, but may be that is the only way you learn the lesson'.
The footnotes were well cherished.
The monologue stretches a bit more than normal. I know that the author was trying to drive home some points but..more
Certain principal explained very beautifully and leaves you to introspect . The one I liked the most - “That very person who is creating hell in your life may bring you closer to God, prayers and spirituality. It hurts you in the present lifetime, but may be that is the only way you learn the lesson'.
The footnotes were well cherished.
The monologue stretches a bit more than normal. I know that the author was trying to drive home some points but..more
I was wondering why should i read it. But somehow i read the reviews and managed to read. From the bottom of my heart i am saying that it's phenomenal. I have read many spiritual books. But this will be one of my favorite book forever.. Salute to author..
May 02, 2018Pankaj rated it it was ok
Highlights some home truths around Sai Baba's life and purported teachings. Could have been condensed into half its current size, as the author belabours many instances to repeatedly drive home oft-repeated messages.
Very engrossing book. Could not stop reading till it was complete.
Must read for all spiritual seekers. The book provides an insight about law of karma and what can an individual do to burn his/her past karmas. Best read of the year and will buy the second edition too.
Feb 16, 2017Sunil Kumar Singh rated it it was amazing
May 21, 2013Ritesh Kumar Sethia rated it really liked it
The book has a lot to offer. It provides another angle to look at the relationships we make, or, which are made by chance. It tries to show us a different viewpoint to look at life in general. The way book has been written would not probably categorize as really good, but the content is fantastic. There is a lot of repetition, may be the author wants to stress about the points he makes. The book has another book in sequel as well..At some places one can feel that the author is writing his mind..more
i dont kno why but i just loved the book. in a very pleasant manner the writer has talked about the ultimate truths of life. some parts you might not be able to relate to or understand but the over view and the theme of the story is exceptional. it is the reminder of all the things that a human has forgotten in the days which he should remember always. there are some loose ends to the story but the message is conveyed in a strong and clear manner.
a very well written book..taking the reader on a spiritual high.conveying the values of life beautifully.the author tries to keep the language as simple as possible which is a great plus.the foot-notes at end of every couple of pages form the synopsis of every couple of pages.though you may or may not want to read the book again you can always go through them.
Some one has rightly said - A student doesn't find Guru/Master, but Master will find Student when he or she is ready. This book explains that theory beautifully. Simple story of a man who's only motive is to end his life but meets a Sage and his life is changed. Loved the book. Looking forward to read the second book in this series.
Life has changed after reading this book. Very simple writing and spiritually very engaging. Read this book for clear understanding what is most important in life and how to engage oneself in spirituality.
I have brought the next book :'The Fakir : Journey continues' by Ruzbeh N Bharucha. will update review soon
I have brought the next book :'The Fakir : Journey continues' by Ruzbeh N Bharucha. will update review soon
some wonderful insights -- very deep and thought-provoking. however, certain aspects of the book seemed quite amateurish, especially in terms of the writing style. but overall a lovely read. the footnotes on each page in particular are cherish-worthy quotes.
Saina Ruzbeh Bharucha
Aug 31, 2016Ritu Thakkar rated it really liked it
This book gives an interesting perspective to the philosophy of life -will certainly give you something to think about! The writer has explained his concepts with lucid examples. If you are at a stage where you are trying to find the purpose of existence, this book is definitely worth a read! :)
For all those who believe in souls travelling and this lifetime being only a journey and that all that is happening is happening for a purpose and we should have complete faith in God, this book will make an interesting read.
Aug 26, 2014Rohidas Waghmare rated it it was amazing
This book really amaze's me whenever i read it
One of the beat books I have read, amazing, answers many questions to life,make u more wise and helps u to connect with god everytime, Must read it.
It changed my life completely!!

Dec 02, 2016Priyanka Pathak rated it really liked it
Beautiful parable.
A simple and brilliant book to cherish
Apr 20, 2012Kru rated it it was ok Shelves: indian, nonfictionothers, 2012reads, stars-2
The language and the style, doesn't appeal to me at all, but nevertheless it is just too simple way of answering our life's many a quests
Definitely a good read.. :)
Definitely a good read.. :)
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